
Individual & Family Partnerships

Get involved as an individual or as a family

Individual partnerships serve as a way for people to give back to and learn about their community. You can play an important role in changing the lives of our neighbor’s experiencing homelessness.

Get started

Why you should become a partner

Partnering with Metro Relief grants you the opportunity to be further involved with your community. Your partnership aids us to house those experiencing homelessness and helps them to begin building a new life

What you get as a partner

For $250 you can impact the life of a person experiencing homelessness by helping us to obtain their vital documents and a week's stay in sober living. We will send you a monthly story of someone that your giving has helped, which you can share on social media. A volunteer outreach day will be provided for you to serve on the bus and gain first person perspective of Metro Relief's mission.

If interested in becoming a partner, please email Bryan Doyle at